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L’iniziativa Angels ti dà il benvenuto alla European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) 2022

Non vediamo l’ora di darti il benvenuto al primo evento ESOC dal vivo in quasi tre anni.
Angels team 12 aprile 2022

The 8th European Stroke Organisation Conference takes place from 4 to 6 May in Lyon, France. We look forward to welcoming you to the first live ESOC event in almost three years, and an opportunity to celebrate the outstanding achievements of stroke teams across Europe, share knowledge from our experts and demonstrate our e-learning and online training tools.

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Please join us for the following activities:

Angels Symposium
Patient, Pathway, Performance – from Theory to Practice
Chaired by Prof Werner Hacke
Hall 2 (Lumière Auditorium)

Thursday 5 May 13:15 | 14:45

Angels Booth
Booth 506, Exhibition Hall
Visit our interactive booth, meet our consultants, and experience key stages in the patient pathway – from emergency to post-acute.

LEARN about the new EMS Awards scheme.

TEST your decision-making skills with Body Interact, using state-of-the-art augmented reality technology to treat a patient at the CT.

DISCOVER the Angels WOW training – designed to help you improve your confidence in CT scan interpretation using the e-Aspects software

NAVIGATE the mapping tool and RES-Q dashboards on our touch-screen table.

READ about the post-acute FeSS protocols and the impact nurses can have on patients’ lives.

CELEBRATE! Take a selfie at our Angels Awards Honours Wall.

HAVE FUN finding out more about the FAST Heroes project and how you can get involved in this award-winning education programme for children and their grandparents.

We hope to see you there!


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